As motorbike accident solicitors, we appreciate that limb loss has a serious affect upon the victim. Limb loss is obviously permanent and visible but what others do not appreciate is the psychological damage that affects the victim as well as their close friends and family.
Psychological support is not only needed by the amputee, but also by their family as this can be a difficult time for coming to terms with their loved ones’ loss. All concerned will probably be under a great deal of stress.
Experienced solicitors can provide a structured programme to be initiated as soon as is practicable in order to minimise the problems caused by the motorbike accident. There will be a team set up who will work together to maximise the patient’s recovery. It is important that the amputee has been informed as to how his rehabilitation is to be managed and has agreed to this prior to the commencement of the rehabilitation.
The rehabilitation programme can be broken down into three distinct sections:
- Pre-amputation
- Amputation
- Post-surgical
These plans are specific to the individual and are designed to maximise the outcome for each victim of an accident on an individual basis.
The pre-amputation stage should commence as soon as a decision is made to amputate. In an ideal world, the surgical team would get involved as soon as possible and would involve the rehabilitation team in agreeing the level of amputation, although this will not always be possible. Thereafter the solicitors will require an assessment, both social and psychological, in an attempt to maximise the motorbike accident claim for compensation. It is important to further assess the ambitions desires and needs of the client and to be put in touch with a somebody who has the same or similar problem.
The client of the solicitors department will also visit the rehabilitation centre and see as many of the professionals as possible. Their close family should be involved in this so that they can give support and so that they know what is happening. It is important that at some point there is a conversation explaining the details of the operation and what will happen after the operation.